Fake Followers or Field of Dreams

Having a large amount of followers on social media may look great, but beware of fake followers, otherwise known as bots. Just Like My Page You may have the mindset of “if you just like my page, then other people will come too.” Now if we all lived within the fantasy of a movie then […]

You Don’t Really Know Me

Did you just meet the real me? As I walk away from our conversation, it is quite clear that you don’t really know me. You have no clue who you are dealing with. After a business meeting, you may have at one time been me. I refer to it as “meet the parents” syndrome. Symptoms […]

Tips For The Bootstrapping Startup

My first Digital Marketing Conference is in the books. After two full days, I can definitely say that I felt like I stepped back into college days, trying to soak up as much information as I could. Amongst the brilliant speakers, one stood out to me. Sylvester Chisom, an education technology entrepreneur, gave a presentation titled […]

The Commodity of Trust

The True Weight of Trust The phrase “commodity of trust” may cause some confusion to some individuals. A commodity is something to be traded, and trust is something to be earned. I hope that the picture is beginning to become clear on how these two things are intertwined. Now, lets imagine that trust is a […]