Twas weeks before Christmas and frustrations did grow. All because business was running much to slow. Small business owners had gifts and services to sell. But they did not know how to advertise well. They needed a new marketing plan and needed it quick. Little did they know, their problems could be solved with […]
How Harness Digital Marketing Saved Christmas
Tips For The Bootstrapping Startup

My first Digital Marketing Conference is in the books. After two full days, I can definitely say that I felt like I stepped back into college days, trying to soak up as much information as I could. Amongst the brilliant speakers, one stood out to me. Sylvester Chisom, an education technology entrepreneur, gave a presentation titled […]
Pinterest: The Underdog of Social Media Marketing

When people think about incorporating social media into their marketing package, the first sites that come to mind are Facebook and Twitter. As a digital media specialist, I can tell you that Facebook is very popular amongst business owners because it’s the most familiar. However, you could be missing out on one very important marketing […]
Surviving the Storm through Social Media

Lightning strikes, skies darken, storms roll in and disasters can happen in the blink of an eye. Within a split second, families can be ripped apart and homes destroyed. When natural disasters hit, social media can become a crucial element to provide relief to those affected and to reconnect with loved ones. Why, do you […]