iTom’s Top 10 Unique Christmas Gifts

So, you still haven’t finished your Christmas shopping? Well neither have I. Why not get them a unique Christmas Gift? You don’t have to be completely last minute to do your shopping, but you should put a little thought into, right? Here are my top 10 Unique Christmas Gifts that you may want to buy […]

How Harness Digital Marketing Saved Christmas

Twas weeks before Christmas and frustrations did grow. All because business was running much to slow.   Small business owners had gifts and services to sell. But they did not know how to advertise well. They needed a new marketing plan and needed it quick. Little did they know, their problems could be solved with […]

How the Grinch Stole Your Christmas Profits

Why is the Grinch After my Business? One of the scariest things that could happen to a business is to have the bottom line stop short. So who is the Grinch and how do you stop him? For a lot of businesses, the Grinch is closer than you think. It may be an executive, head […]

How To Shop Smart Online This Christmas

The online Christmas shopping season has officially begun. Whether you are a seasoned expert or a newcomer on the scene, make sure the perfect deal does not turn into the perfect holiday scheme for online hackers. Use Familiar Websites: Walmart. Target. Amazon. The names have one thing in common; they are stores that everyone recognizes. […]