How Harness Digital Marketing Saved Christmas

Twas weeks before Christmas and frustrations did grow. All because business was running much to slow.   Small business owners had gifts and services to sell. But they did not know how to advertise well. They needed a new marketing plan and needed it quick. Little did they know, their problems could be solved with […]

GoDaddy Extortion [Digital Mafia]

When you recall a father figure, I hope that it does not elicit memories of you handing over cash just to maintain some sanity at the dinner table. If it does, you may have been a victim of the GoDaddy Extortion scheme! Mafia Laying the Groundwork So, you have made the commitment to start a […]

The Commodity of Trust

The True Weight of Trust The phrase “commodity of trust” may cause some confusion to some individuals. A commodity is something to be traded, and trust is something to be earned. I hope that the picture is beginning to become clear on how these two things are intertwined. Now, lets imagine that trust is a […]