When Consumers Get Social: Are You Listening?

“If we post it, they will come.” Seems like a pretty easy social media strategy, right? If you’re conditioned to the “tried-and-true” ways of marketing (hello, billboards and TV commercials), you’re used to building an ad, displaying it to the public, and anticipating a flood of customers. It’s no wonder many businesses believe this is the […]

Tips For The Bootstrapping Startup

My first Digital Marketing Conference is in the books. After two full days, I can definitely say that I felt like I stepped back into college days, trying to soak up as much information as I could. Amongst the brilliant speakers, one stood out to me. Sylvester Chisom, an education technology entrepreneur, gave a presentation titled […]

The Commodity of Trust

The True Weight of Trust The phrase “commodity of trust” may cause some confusion to some individuals. A commodity is something to be traded, and trust is something to be earned. I hope that the picture is beginning to become clear on how these two things are intertwined. Now, lets imagine that trust is a […]

Pinterest: The Underdog of Social Media Marketing

When people think about incorporating social media into their marketing package, the first sites that come to mind are Facebook and Twitter. As a digital media specialist, I can tell you that Facebook is very popular amongst business owners because it’s the most familiar. However, you could be missing out on one very important marketing […]