But It’s Not What I Like!

It’s the biggest complaint in the marketing world – business owners telling marketers and ad teams “it’s not what I like” or “I wouldn’t buy from that.” Yes, business owners have to like their marketing strategy to an extent. They have to be comfortable with it, it has to provide their voice, it has to represent […]

I Hate Your Business, So What?

We all have them – those mean, nasty customers that are hard to please. Some of them even seem like they do everything they can to make sure you don’t please them. So what happens when that customer makes their way online to review your business? What do you do when that “one-star” review pops up […]

Apple gave me the finger in 2014

A corporate takeover or a home invasion; which scenario is worse? It makes no difference to this business giant. I have recently been enlightened with Apple’s “methods” of taking over an individuals freedom and right to choose. They have designed their products in a way that makes you rely on them, but when they fail, […]