Using Social Media To Discover Your Customers

Using Social Media To Discover Your Customers ***Presentation Starts at 3:20*** 3 Key Points Listen-Listen-Listen to your Customers Address Customer Complaints/Concerns Question Everything You Know About Your Product Quote “If you’re not getting your feelings hurt, you’re not an entrepreneur.” – Tom Harness Using Social Media To Discover Your Customers from Harness Digital Marketing on […]

Picture It – Your Business’s Profile Image!

Your business is on every social media platform known to man! Congrats! Now, what? Before you come up with totally awesome creative content, before you invite everyone under the sun to like your page, even before you start begging for phone calls and website clicks, you need one major thing – a profile picture. Just […]

Bang! Bang! How To Shoot Your Business …Video

Bang! Bang! How To Shoot Your Business …Video by Tom Harness of Harness Digital Marketing Extra Help – Bang! Bang! How To Shoot Your Business…Video from Harness Digital Marketing on Vimeo. Tom Harness | @iTomHarness | | 314-884-1192

Kick Start Your Company’s Presence on LinkedIn

“What’s the point of having a LinkedIn company page if I have a Facebook page?” You’d be surprised at how narrow minded most businesses are when it comes to social media. In the eyes of many, Facebook is all they see and know. When reality they should be researching the possibilities of each social network and […]