GoDaddy Extortion [Digital Mafia]

When you recall a father figure, I hope that it does not elicit memories of you handing over cash just to maintain some sanity at the dinner table. If it does, you may have been a victim of the GoDaddy Extortion scheme! Mafia Laying the Groundwork So, you have made the commitment to start a […]

The Commodity of Trust

The True Weight of Trust The phrase “commodity of trust” may cause some confusion to some individuals. A commodity is something to be traded, and trust is something to be earned. I hope that the picture is beginning to become clear on how these two things are intertwined. Now, lets imagine that trust is a […]

Apple gave me the finger in 2014

A corporate takeover or a home invasion; which scenario is worse? It makes no difference to this business giant. I have recently been enlightened with Apple’s “methods” of taking over an individuals freedom and right to choose. They have designed their products in a way that makes you rely on them, but when they fail, […]