Bang! Bang! How To Shoot Your Business …Video

Bang! Bang! How To Shoot Your Business …Video by Tom Harness of Harness Digital Marketing Extra Help – Bang! Bang! How To Shoot Your Business…Video from Harness Digital Marketing on Vimeo. Tom Harness | @iTomHarness | | 314-884-1192

2015: The Year of Social Media Resolutions

As the year winds down and another arrives, the word “resolution” resurfaces. Many resolutions pop into my head. Mostly the typical ones, but one topic comes to mind as it has practically become my life. I live, eat, and breathe social media nowadays. Not just for personal usage, but for work purposes too. I have been […]

Using Instagram For Business

I recently had a request asking me how Instagram can be used for business. Because I think very highly of this person (wink-wink-nod-nod), I decided to enlighten small businesses, entrepreneurs, and organizations on how they can best use this social medium.  Instagram is great for novice photo and video takers to get a final product […]

Hashtag #WTH

Quick question: What does # mean to you? Answer: It has many meanings in Math, Programming, Blogs, and even Music. Most of us know it as a pound sign or associated with phone numbers. Either way the # has taken Digital Marketing by storm. So What The Hashtag is up with #’s? They are used […]