I’m sure by now you’ve heard the stories – people stopping traffic, people getting mugged, all the craziness that surrounds the new Pokemon GO game movement. But all of this hectic fandom may be the perfect opportunity for your business! Social Announcement Is your target audience wandering around town with their noses jammed into their phones […]
Pokemon Go – Capitalizing on the Movement
Filed Under: Blog, Business, Events, Social Media Tagged With: capitalizing on events, capitlizing on trends, content marketing, customers, digital marketing, Pokemon, Pokemon Go, Small Business Marketing, social media, trending, trending topics
Poking The Pokemon Go Phenomenon

Poking The Pokemon Go Phenomenon Are you an Antagonist, a Comedian, or a Sidekick on Social Media Comments? Recently I did one of my social media experiments on Facebook that dealt with the Pokemon Go phenomenon. Let me first preface that I do these experiments to prove a point and to gather information on how facebook’s […]
Filed Under: Social Media Tagged With: digital marketing, facebook, Harness Digital Marketing, Pokemon, Pokemon Go, small business for facebook, social media, social media for business