How Esports Can Use and Create Snapchat Geofilters (This Article First Appeared on April 8th on by Brandon Nolte) The majority of esports viewers are from 15 to 35, which also is current majority of Snapchat users. For marketers, this is a huge win as it helps create new stories and build exposure over […]
How Esports Can Use and Create Snapchat Geofilters
Filed Under: Blog, Business, Entrepreneurs, Social Media Tagged With: digital marketing, geofilters, marketing, snapchat, snapchat geofilter, snapchat geofilters, social media
The Great Pyramid Scheme That Is Social Media

The Great Pyramid Scheme That Is Social Media (This Article First Appeared In Hubshout on 12/03/15) We are all familiar with Pyramid Schemes and how they make the person at the top of the pyramid a millionaire. Every day people look for opportunities to work less and earn more. What if I told you that you […]
Filed Under: Blog, Entrepreneurs, Featured Posts, Social Media Tagged With: branding, Content, facebook, Google, instagram, Network, pinterest, snapchat, social media, Social Media Marketing, social networking, twitter
Snap-what? Geo-what?

“Snap-what?” is usually the response one gets when around anyone above the age of 25, which makes sense considering that Snapchat is used mainly by those in high school and college. However, what most business owners (and adults in general) don’t understand is that Snapchat can be extremely beneficial to their business. Let’s start out with the […]
Filed Under: Blog, Business, Social Media Tagged With: geofilter, geotag, snapchat, social media