You blog, I blog, everybody blogs! Yeah, that seems to be the most common idea right now. Blog blog blog blog blog. But is what you are writing really a blog? What are some key components to actually getting people to read your blogs? Your blog is not all a sale – Yes, you can include […]
Just Blog It.
Filed Under: Blog Tagged With: advice, Blogging, blogging advice, Blogging for business, blogging tips, branding, content marketing, digital marketing, email marketing, small business, tips for writing
Shut Your Facebook!

It is the quintessential social media site, and almost every business owner has one (though every business should have one), but are you using yours correctly? At what point is it time to cut off your Facebook ties and hand it over to someone else? Try this quiz to see. Do you have a business page […]
Filed Under: Blog, Social Media Tagged With: business, content marketing, customers, digital marketing, facebook, Facebook for business, small business, small business for facebook, social media
What 3 Recent Facebook Changes Mean for Social Media Marketers

Facebook has announced three changes recently that alter users’ news feeds, and I believe they’re all a move in a similar direction that indicates what users are doing on Facebook, and, ultimately what it means for businesses marketing on the site. Let’s take a quick look at the changes: Facebook has a new “Unfollow” feature […]
Filed Under: Blog, Social Media Tagged With: content marketing, facebook, facebook changes, quality content, social media