Are your blogs talking to me?

Are your blogs talking to me?

Blog TalkingThat is a question that a lot of individuals ask themselves when they start reading a blog. In my opinion, getting your message to the right audience is almost as important as the content. That is a vital component to keep in mind as you are writing your blogs.

Now, before I have people jump on the criticism wagon. Yes, I am very aware that some blogs are subversive. I am aware that some blogs are just used to rant. I am also aware that some blogs do not care one bit about their audience. The primary concern may be voicing an opinion or getting views.

My recommendation is that you write for a reason, and that reason should target a particular audience.

Now if you are writing just to write and your only concern is publishing your words, then close your eyes and type away. I will not criticize you for that plan of action. I will also not be surprised if you never find an audience to appreciate your hard work. There are plenty of bloggers that write content, and that content is as effective as the adults in a Peanuts cartoon. Does your content fall on deaf ears, or blind eyes? Either way you are simply filling the internet with your “stuff.” Congratulations on adding to the landfill.

I prefer to have my content read by those that could see value in my content, opinions, advice, or recommendations. In my opinion, I would rather have one person find value in my content. Rather than having 1,000 individuals mindlessly scanning over words, without making any connection at all.

Quick question – Which scenario sounds more appealing to you? Having a meaningful conversation with one person in a cafe, or yelling at nobody in the middle of Times Square begging for attention? You know the correct answer, don’t you?

Again this is just my opinion. So don’t pay any attention to my blogs if you are adding to the landfill with mindless and reckless abandon. My message is clearly not for you.

Matt Carnaghi | Twitter: @carnaghimd1 | Instagram: @carnaghimd1 | LinkedIn: Matthew Carnaghi

About Tom Harness

Tom Harness is the owner of Harness Digital Marketing, a digital marketing firm that works with businesses and organizations on Social Media, SEO, and Email Marketing. He is an entrepreneur and business owner with 20 years of combined experience in Education, IT, and Business. Tom is a U.S. Army Veteran and a Southern Illinois University alum. He also enjoys craft beers, his beloved Chicago Cubs, and his family.

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