Facebook for Business: What NOT to Do

Facebook can provide a huge boost to your business’s marketing plan. However, if used incorrectly, it can also damage your company’s image. Here are some things you should NOT do when building your brand on Facebook. 1) “Like” your own Facebook posts Liking your own Facebook status is basically giving yourself a virtual high-five. Don’t do it! 2) Worry about counting […]

The World Cup Taking Over Social Media

When it comes to social media, there is a wide array of topics to be discussed or shared. If enough people are discussing something like a TV show or a current event, it becomes a trending topic. So what’s the latest trend being talked about on social media? The World Cup. It’s hard to escape […]

How to Efficiently Use Facebook for Your Business

 Are you using Facebook for your business? Do you frequently wonder if you are doing it right? I am often surprised by the number of business owners that I meet that openly admit that they are clueless when it comes to using Facebook for their business. Facebook is currently the world’s most popular social networking […]

Hashtag #WTH

Quick question: What does # mean to you? Answer: It has many meanings in Math, Programming, Blogs, and even Music. Most of us know it as a pound sign or associated with phone numbers. Either way the # has taken Digital Marketing by storm. So What The Hashtag is up with #’s? They are used […]