The world of business development is like searching for that perfect relationship. It is so much more than making sales or acquiring new clients. It is about investing your time to another person and proving to someone else that you care. It just so happens to be a business owner.
To anyone that is familiar with business development, this may seem like an elementary concept. Unfortunately, it is very easy to become complaisant. You have to strive to make the relationship work. Put in the time to know your business and develop the relationship to become its soul mate.
Going back only when you are looking for another sale, asking for a referral, or renewing a contract will quickly lead to a resentful partnership. You need to devote yourself to your relationship. Add value to the other person. Give them support and do things to make them more successful on their path. This approach to business development will do more for your partnership than any sales pitch ever could.
I work in an industry of digital marketing that is full of self-proclaimed “expert consultants” and “social media gurus.” They are there to take advantage of a business that is in need of help and has not yet found their soul mate. Pumping out generic information that is not tailored to an individual business. Applying principals that work for a large corporation in a city to a small business in a rural town. All business are like fingerprints. Every single one requires something different to make them as successful as possible. That is why your relationship is vital in business development.
Business development is more that a job or a title. It is a way of life. Take pride in what you are. It is how you conduct yourself, and how you treat your business relationships. It gives you an opportunity to be more that just another product on the shelf. Be more, be vested, be devoted, be helpful, be supportive, and truly be a partner. You truly have an opportunity to make your business feel like there is nobody else in their life that could ever compare to what you do for them.
So, now is the time to take action. If you are tired of all of your relationships burning out too quickly. If you are fed up with that empty feeling inside. Are you tired of buying pints of Ben & Jerry’s? Maybe it is time for you to start finding that soul mate.
By – Matt Carnaghi @carnaghimd1 #TurnTheLightBulbOn
Another great article by Matt Carnaghi. We want to have long lasting relationships with our business owners and help them be successful with their businesses. It also puts a smile on my face to see my KEY business development person understand, accept, and follow through with our company culture.