Goal Digger

Goal Digger “This is MY year.” “I’m going to get into shape.   I’m going to expand my brand.  I’m going to quadruple my business.  I’m going to eat more greens.  I’m going to pray more, give more, do more.  I’m going to quit answering emails at midnight.  I am going to conquer my lack of […]

Entrepreneur: Utilize the Resources of Your Business to Pay it Forward

Entrepreneur: Utilize the Resources of Your Business to Pay it Forward As a Business Owner, you have a great opportunity to use the resources of your company to give back to your community. Growing up in a small town, attending a neighborhood church and living on a small street I watched my mother constantly do […]

Pinterest vs. Instagram

Pinterest or Instagram? That’s what marketers everywhere have been asking themselves lately when trying to figure out what platform would work best for them and their clients. While we (at Harness Digital Marketing) have been asking ourselves the same question, I finally figured it out. The long, drawn-out debate about which one is the better option […]

Bithub Debuts at the Hospice of Southern Illinois Gala

Bithub and Harness Digital Marketing Bring Social Media Hubs To Events How many events do you attend? If you live in Southern Illinois, you could attend up to 2 major events each month. Events such as the John A Logan Hunting and Fishing Days, Concerts Sponsored by Black Diamond Harley Davidson, Fundraisers, or one of […]