Don’t Let Your Business Suffer from Poor Customer Service

Don’t let your business suffer…

In a world filled with so much negativity, don’t let your business suffer due to the fact that you can’t slap a smile on your face or offer a simple “Hi! Can I help you?”.

Customer service is a component of a business that owners should bend over backwards to achieve and create a memorable experience for their clients. It’s amazing to see how many establishments lose customer loyalty due to unsatisfactory service. According to a study done by NewVoiceMedia, United States’s businesses lose an estimate of around $41 billion a year due to poor customer service.

Be Friendly and Welcoming

To quote a famous, redheaded orphan, “You’re never fully dressed without a smile.” 

Upon entering your establishment, greet your clientele with a warm and welcoming greeting and smile. It’s also a good habit to smile while talking on the phone with your customers.  When they feel welcomed, it’s a possibility that they will continue to buy your products and services as well as tell others about you.

Continue to be Positive

Facts show that 13% of individuals tell 15 other  people of their negative experience, resulting in your business losing business.

We all know that we can’t please everyone and bad reviews can occur. How you handle the reviews is a true testament of customer service. It may be first instinct to delete said comment or lash out saying that the person is wrong. Instead of resorting to these options, contact the person calmly and hear them out. If you genuinely care about the reputation of your business, you will handle the situation with dignity and respect.

Take Pride in your Business

Not one customer will want to do business with you if you talk negatively about your product. As a business owner, you should take pride in your product and want to share your passion with others.

In order to retain your customer base, be tentative to answering questions, send out invites, and most of all get excited about promoting your business. When you show that you care about who uses your products and services, they will stick around.

Customer service is more than showing your pearly whites. It’s about welcoming your customers to the passion and knowledge that you’ve put into your business. Regardless if you’ve had the worst day imaginable and nothing seems to be going right, it’s not your customer’s fault!

Lynsey Hentrich | Twitter: LynseyH94 | Instagram: lynsey_hentrich94 |


About Tom Harness

Tom Harness is the owner of Harness Digital Marketing, a digital marketing firm that works with businesses and organizations on Social Media, SEO, and Email Marketing. He is an entrepreneur and business owner with 20 years of combined experience in Education, IT, and Business. Tom is a U.S. Army Veteran and a Southern Illinois University alum. He also enjoys craft beers, his beloved Chicago Cubs, and his family.

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