Say No To Live Tweeting

What’s the last thing you watched on TV? Was it a reality show, a primetime special, political debate, or just your favorite Tuesday night show? Either way you probably noticed in the corner of your television set a #hashtag. The first time I saw this I was amazed and impressed to see social media being […]

Hashtag #WTH

Quick question: What does # mean to you? Answer: It has many meanings in Math, Programming, Blogs, and even Music. Most of us know it as a pound sign or associated with phone numbers. Either way the # has taken Digital Marketing by storm. So What The Hashtag is up with #’s? They are used […]

Hashtag 101: What are they, and why do we need ’em?

If you use social media, you have seen a hashtag. No, scratch that. In 2014, if you watch TV, or read magazines or attend conferences, you’ve seen a hashtag. But I still have folks ask me all the time what a hashtag is, why they exist, and why in the world you would want to use […]