Facebook F8 Conference – What’s New

Facebook F8 Conference

Facebook F8 Conference – What’s New

The Facebook F8 conference has officially kicked off. With Mark Zuckerberg’s recent testimony to Congress, I (like most Americans) have been waiting to see what changes were going to take place. As a digital marketer, we deal with updates constantly, but none that could have such an impact on how we market our clients as they do now.

Clearing History Tool

This feature will be rolling out and allow the USER to delete their history at anytime. Great for the end user, potentially bad for digital marketers. Here’s something to keep in mind:

  • USER – The whole purpose of having this history is to make the experience on Facebook more customized for you. When you delete it, it starts all over with what you like. What we don’t know as of yet, is how this will affect WHO and WHAT you will see in your timeline.
  • BUSINESSES – This can make it more challenging to do targeted campaigns. I would recommend still using the Facebook Pixel and importing your email list into the Business Facebook portal. Campaign pricing could go up as well. Keep an eye on your campaigns and the ROI.

Watch Party

Just when you thought there couldn’t be anymore options for Video, Facebook will be adding a feature where you can collectively watch Video and discuss with others at the same time. Taking video and engagement to a whole new level for their platform. This feature will be available in GROUPS and it shows how much Facebook is beginning to value group pages even more.

For my MST3K (Mystery Science Theater 3000) fans, this will bring back some memories and possibly some ideas on how to implement this feature to its fullest potential.

Groups Tabs

Again, Facebook is showing how much weight they are putting on groups. With so many users a part of multiple groups, they are adding a tab to better navigate, join, and experience group pages. In addition to this they will make it easier to join group pages from websites by adding a JOIN option that can be added (most likely through code or plugin) to a website.

To watch the complete Facebook F8 Conference including Mark Zuckerberg’s Keynote go HERE.

Tom Harness | Twitter: @iTomHarness | Snapchat: @tharness | LinkedIN: Tom Harness | www.harnessdigitalmarketing.com

About Tom Harness

Tom Harness is the owner of Harness Digital Marketing, a digital marketing firm that works with businesses and organizations on Social Media, SEO, and Email Marketing. He is an entrepreneur and business owner with 20 years of combined experience in Education, IT, and Business. Tom is a U.S. Army Veteran and a Southern Illinois University alum. He also enjoys craft beers, his beloved Chicago Cubs, and his family.

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