Millennials get a lot of flack. We’re told that we spend too much time on our phones. People complain that we’re too interested in our next status update, checking our Instagram feed, or using the right filters and hashtags.
But what if this tech-savvy, knack for social media, can prove these critics that what we’re doing is for good? What if these skills are actually setting us apart from others when it comes down to what’s ultimately important for us? Like… a job. Or an internship. Or maybe even grad school.
Gone are the days where a decent resume could get you somewhere. Nowadays, employers are digging deeper. According to The Muse, 92% of companies that are looking to fill positions are utilizing social media to weed out job candidates. That’s right– your social media profiles are now inevitably attached to your resume that landed on that hiring manager’s desk.
Now before you go hide your profiles, change your profile names, and make it absolutely impossible for any company to find you online, know this: your social media accounts can actually do more good than harm… if managed properly. Here’s how:
- Promote your professional interests and goals. Talk about your accomplishments, scholarships, awards, etc. (it is okay to humblebrag). Share articles about the current trends in your industry. You never know who’s following you, or will come across your profile, and the type of network they have that could help land you an internship or job.
- Show off your personal hobbies and interests as well. If you’re a hiker, love to travel or cook, volunteer a lot, or have your own fashion blog, show this off. It could also help you get a job in an industry that you’re passionate about (travel, culinary, nonprofits, fashion industry).
- If you haven’t yet, create a LinkedIn profile. Connect with professors, faculty, and utilize your alumni network. Research professionals in your field and see how they got started, and what type of experience/skills they’ve cultivated, to help you carve your path.
- Take an audit of the current state of your profiles. Is it consistent? Does it truly reflect your personality and character? Put yourself in the shoes of a hiring manager, and adjust accordingly.
But you may ask, “what about those party pictures from the weekend? I want to show everyone how much fun I’m having in college.” Believe me, your fun side does not have to die on social media. Knowing how to communicate this is key. Instagramming about your school spirit at a college football game, posting a nice group photo with your sorority sisters, or tweeting about the awesome band you saw in concert over the weekend isn’t bad. Showing how spirited, involved, social, or real you are can prove how well you’ll fit into a company’s office culture.
As technology and the Internet rapidly moves forward in growth, especially in the job market, jump on the bandwagon and go along for the ride. It can get you much farther than you could even imagine. A well-rounded social media presence that truly reflects your brand and personal character can be a great accompaniment to your resume.
Eleni Hampton | @eleni_gabriella |
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