How to Reconnect with Family this Thanksgiving

Family means everything around this time of year.

FamilyWe use the Thanksgiving season to reconnect with loved ones and convey how thankful we are to have them in our lives. However, due to factors like divorce, health, military deployment, and traveling conditions, some relatives won’t be present around the dinner table this year.

How can you connect and bring everyone together even though you may be miles apart? Since in-house get togethers may not always be possible, technology and social media allow distant family members to become part of the turkey day festivities. There are many avenues and tools to help bridge the distance and bring households together.


Tag Your Photos

Gone are the days of stressing about getting a memory album together or dragging out the boxes of photos from the closet. Facebook and Instagram have given users the option to upload photos in real time and tag family to make them feel as if they are taking part in traditions. This season, snap a picture of Grandma in the kitchen cooking her famous pumpkin pie or gather everyone for a group selfie. Tag all family and friends in your photos so that they can share in the moment. Digital albums without the added headache of putting them together are the best ways to manage your memories.


Hold a Digital Family Chat

FamilyIn Thanksgiving seasons past, phones were passed from one relative to another. Although this satisfied the need to hear the missing relative’s voice, it wasn’t the same as seeing their faces. This year, try FaceTime or Skype! Plan a time when dinner is being served and distant relatives can partake in the family discussions that happen around the table. Don’t miss out on a baby’s first taste of mashed potatoes or who gets a year of good luck from breaking the wishbone.  


Use Facebook Live as a Camcorder

Do you remember the gatherings when your dad would follow you around with a camcorder asking you the obvious “Hey, what are doing?”.  Camcorders were a useful tool to capture “live” videos. Now, use Facebook Live to capture those same videos as they actually happen. This year could be the year you learn the family secret of how to make the best gravy. This could also be the year that the dog eats the turkey and you have to resort to store bought pizza with all the fixings.  Implement Facebook Live into your holiday to ensure you capture every crazy minute.

Thanksgiving memories are ones that will continue to be passed down from generation to generation. If a relative isn’t present for the big event, they can still be a part of everything that’s happening. This can be made possible through different social media platforms and advances in technology.   Whether it’s grandparents living across the country or a soldier stationed overseas, it’s important to keep everyone connected when giving thanks this year.

Happy Thanksgiving and here’s to sharing what you’re thankful for this year!

Lynsey Hentrich | Twitter: @LynseyH94 | Instagram: @lynsey_hentrich94 |

About Tom Harness

Tom Harness is the owner of Harness Digital Marketing, a digital marketing firm that works with businesses and organizations on Social Media, SEO, and Email Marketing. He is an entrepreneur and business owner with 20 years of combined experience in Education, IT, and Business. Tom is a U.S. Army Veteran and a Southern Illinois University alum. He also enjoys craft beers, his beloved Chicago Cubs, and his family.

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