Facebook Messenger of Evil or Innovation?

The messenger app heard around the world! Is Facebook Messenger Evil or Innovative?

Today an unprecedented act was committed on the world. Facebook disconnected the messenger feature from their app and created a second and independent app for people to communicate directly with. Social media is in an uproar over what the new Facebook Messenger app can and can not do with your information. Once again Facebook is pushing the limits on security and your privacy….or are they?

We may truly NEVER know what the true intentions of the app are, however I can declare one thing to be clear and true:


Innovation comes at a price to any business (IBM, Ford, Microsoft, Apple, etc..) and they willingly take it on for forward movement in their industry. Facebook is clearly pushing the limits on people’s privacy and information, but we are willing participants in this social experiment. We have the simple choice to….wait for it….dramatic pause….DELETE the app and walk away. As much as we want to believe it, Facebook is not OUR app or business.

The privacy concerns in question, in my opinion, are clearly for innovative purposes to push the business and the app forward in a very competitive market. The items Facebook wants access to are policies they have to follow for Apple and Android:

  • Record Audio
  • Take Pictures
  • Read Profile Information
  • Access your contacts

Before everyone believes the sky is falling, get both sides of the story. The Facebook Messenger app would not be useful if you couldn’t interact with your contacts in the way most people would want. The push for Facebook to split the two are to better position themselves for the future. Now that being said, as a consumer we have to wonder what Facebook could do with the data collected. These are outlined clearly in their 450 page privacy policy (give or take a few pages.) We trust that Facebook will act ethically and for the betterment of its customers.

Facebook Android Polices

iPhone Policies


Do you DELETE or help further Innovation? That is your choice…choose wisely.

About Tom Harness

Tom Harness is the owner of Harness Digital Marketing, a digital marketing firm that works with businesses and organizations on Social Media, SEO, and Email Marketing. He is an entrepreneur and business owner with 20 years of combined experience in Education, IT, and Business. Tom is a U.S. Army Veteran and a Southern Illinois University alum. He also enjoys craft beers, his beloved Chicago Cubs, and his family.

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