How To Shop Smart Online This Christmas

The online Christmas shopping season has officially begun. Whether you are a seasoned expert or a newcomer on the scene, make sure the perfect deal does not turn into the perfect holiday scheme for online hackers. Use Familiar Websites: Walmart. Target. Amazon. The names have one thing in common; they are stores that everyone recognizes. […]

How to Reconnect with Family this Thanksgiving

Family means everything around this time of year. We use the Thanksgiving season to reconnect with loved ones and convey how thankful we are to have them in our lives. However, due to factors like divorce, health, military deployment, and traveling conditions, some relatives won’t be present around the dinner table this year. How can […]

From Classrooms to Clients

My Transition From a Student to a Professional When I graduated from Southern Illinois University last May, I was ready to conquer the world. I had reached the point that I had been working towards for 4 years. I was ready to apply the advertising skills that I had learned to a real world job. […]

Real Time Support for a SIU Student Athlete

When you’re a student athlete, you’re the face of the university. While performing and competing, you become a role model to people of all ages. You become a local celebrity that people can be proud of. Fans start to know your name and recognize your face, whether you know who they are or not. Social […]