Hashtag 101: What are they, and why do we need ’em?

If you use social media, you have seen a hashtag. No, scratch that. In 2014, if you watch TV, or read magazines or attend conferences, you’ve seen a hashtag. But I still have folks ask me all the time what a hashtag is, why they exist, and why in the world you would want to use […]

Hi, I’m Troy McClure! You May Remember Me…. | Personal Branding

The Simpsons are a staple in American culture as much as Apple Pie and iPhones. As one of the longest running prime-time animated series, The Simpsons has given a whole generation of 40-somethings vocabulary like: NO WAY MAN!, AY CARAMBA, and EAT MY SHORTS, MAN. Out of the decades of skits, Duff beer, and TV […]

3 Questions to Ask When Planning a Small Business Facebook Promotion

So, you want to host a Facebook promotion. You’ve heard they’re great for getting more likes. You’ve heard they can increase interaction on your page. You’ve heard they can, well, promote your business. And they can do all of those things. But, only if you do them right. An effective Facebook promotion starts with a […]

The Ugly Sweater of Email Marketing

This time every year, millions of Americans have the opportunity to wear the most “hideous” sweaters known to man. Why? For the simple pleasure of enjoying the embarrassment of themselves. The Ugly Sweater parties are a reminder of a lost art of sequins, felt, and the smell of moth balls. As uncomfortable as the sweaters […]